The Science of DogBall

Inspired by a very old high school project, DogBall rolls in after years of idling! Jump around the laboratory, lock on to magnetic points found throughout the game, and don't get caught in the sliding walls.  Survive as long as you can; don't roll off the screen!


Mouse Only

Move your mouse cursor across the screen. Magnet Points will turn green when your cursor is near one.

Left Click - Magnet Charge
When a Magnet Point is green, you can left click at anytime to perform a Magnet Charge. DogBall will charge towards the Magnet Point at speed. The amount of force is relative to how far DogBall is from the active Magnet Point.

Right Click - Down Charge

Right click at any time to perform a Down Charge. DogBall will immediately get a downwards force, useful for getting past a wall or send yourself to the ground quickly. 

Scroll - Jump

When on the ground, Scroll in any direction to perform a jump. Useful for getting some vertical distance before Magnet Charging. 


Homing and Stomp SFX: Sonic the Hedgehog -
Jump SFX:

Game Programming & Design: Jim Ouk

Music & Art: that lazy boi

OST Video: 


This game was made within 48 hours for the MACS Game Jam 2023. The theme was "Magnets" with an added constraint of a stationery camera.

Enjoy! Or else...


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(1 edit) (+1)

This was really cool Jim! Bit of a learning curve but the mechanic is really fun!!!! + sick music too